
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Hunting Horned Graahks for Valuable Graahk Fur

Graahk fur is an ingrediant for infusing spirit graahk pouches, as well as for making fancy hunting wear, hence making the graahk fur greatly sought after.

Skill Requirements
  • 21 Agility
  • 41 Hunting

Items Required

Items Required Per Repeat

Quest Requirements

What's more fun than agitating a dangerous animal with a stick while earning you several hundred thousands at the same time?


Set pitfalls here.
  1. Purchase the required items.
  2. Equip your dramen staff.
  3. Have a knife and teasing stick in your inventory.
  4. Withdraw 26 willow logs.
  5. Use the fairy rings (the one west of the Grand Exchange is easily accessible) to teleport to Zanaris.
  6. Use the fairy rings at Zanaris with the code CKR.
  7. Head west towards the horned graahks.
  8. Set pitfall traps at the marked positions.
  9. Tease horned graahks and jump over your traps.
  10. Loot the graahks that you've hunted.
  11. Bury the big bones.
  12. Repeat steps 8-11 until you've run out of logs or low on health.
  13. Use the fairy rings to teleport back to Zanaris.
  14. From there, use fairy ring code DKR to teleport east of the Grand Exchange.
  15. Use the shortcut to enter the Grand Exchange quickly.
  16. Repeat steps 4-15 or sell all your perfect graahk fur.

Make sure you don't sell your tatty graahk fur. They will be used in a future money-making guide.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Enchanting Sapphire Rings in Runescape

Here's a money-making guide in Runescapre for enchanting sapphire jewelry.

Skill Requirements
  • 7 Magic

Items Required

Items Required Per Repeat

With this money-making guide's low skill requirements, almost anyone can use this fast method of making money in Runescape!


  1. Purchase the required items.
  2. Equip your staff of water or some other item that provides unlimited water runes.
  3. Withdraw all your cosmic runes.
  4. Withdraw 27 sapphire rings.
  5. Using the normal spellbook, cast level one enchant on a sapphire ring.
  6. Continue casting level one enchant on all your sapphire rings until they all become ring of recoils.
  7. Deposit all your ring of recoils.
  8. Repeat steps 4-7, or sell all your ring of recoils.

Although this method requires relatively intense clicking, you can expect to make a decent profit from enchanting sapphire rings.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Big Chompy Bird Hunting for Cash

Hunting oversized birds in Runescape for gold.

Big chompy bird hunting.
Skill Requirements
  • 30 Range

Items Required

Items Required Per Repeat

Items Recommended
  • Weight reducing items
  • Ava's device (attractor, accumulator, alerter)

Quest Requirements

Of course you can kill chompy birds with any form of combat, but you gotta be using ogre bows for it to count as a legitimate big chompy bird hunting.


  1. Purchase the required items.
  2. Equip your comp ogre bow, your rune brutal arrows, and your ring of dueling. If you have any of the recommended items listed above, equip those too.
  3. Withdraw your ogre bellows.
  4. Go to south of the Castle Wars Arena. You will find a small swamp with toads there.
  5. Use your ogre bellows on the swamp gas.
  6. Afterwards, use your ogre bellows on three toads.
  7. Refill your ogre bellows with gas.
  8. Head a bit east from the swamp and you will be on a hill. You'll know the spot by the abundance of archey trees around it as well as Gargh, a hunter ogre roaming the area. Place your three toads there.
  9. Quickly inflate three more toads. Do not worry if chompy birds are devouring your placed toads as they stay for quite a while afterwards.
  10. Refill your ogre bellows with gas again.
  11. Range any chompy birds that appear.
  12. Pick up all your rune brutal arrows.
  13. Pluck all the chompy birds you hunted.
  14. Pick up all the raw chompy bird meat left behind by the chompy birds.
  15. Repeat steps 8-13 until you have filled most of your inventory with raw chompy. Depending on your last three toads, they can attract one to three chompy birds. If you only have one or two empty space left, you should go right ahead to the next step since it would be inefficient to only drop one or two bloated toads at one time.
  16. Use your ring of dueling to teleport to Castle Wars Arena.
  17. Use the bank chest there to deposit all your raw chompy. Your feathers may remain in your inventory since they stack.
  18. Repeat steps 4-17 until your ring of dueling runs out of charges.
  19. Either equip another ring of dueling and more arrows and continue hunting big chompy birds, or sell all your raw chompy and feathers.

As a bonus, try picking up a chompy bird hat from Rantz in Feldip Hills to show your big chompy bird hunting prowess!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Gold Charm Dropper: Ice Warrior

Killing ice warriors are a reliable source of gold charms.

Gold Charm Drop Rate of an Ice Warrior

If you kill 1000 ice warriors, you will receive around 434 gold charms. This means that for each ice warrior that you kill, you have around 43% chance of receiving a gold charm.

Where Ice Warriors are Located

Ice warriors can be found at the Ice Plateau, the Chaos Tunnels, the Asgarnian Ice Caves (where you mine blurite ore), and below and above White Wolf Mountain. Obviously killing ice warriors in the Ice Plateau and Chaos Tunnels are not recommended areas to grind at. The remaining two are relatively safe and easy to access. White Wolf Mountain is closest to a bank and easiest to get to (dwarven mine cart travel, charter boat, and gnome glider), however don't forget to bring a pickaxe. There will be rocks blocking your path, and you will need a mining level of 50 to clear it. All ice warriors are level 57.

Fighting Ice Warriors

Ice warriors are warriors made of ice. Like ice and the armor they wear, they are very vulnerable to crush attacks. As well, fire spells have a bonus when fighting ice warriors, but this is not recommended due to eventual large profit losses.

Keep in mind that ice warriors hit low but often. If you are considering to grind ice warriors, bring some decent food like salmon or lobsters.