
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Fastest Way to Mine Pure Essence

Mining pure essence may be profitable, but only by efficiently mining it can it be considered a method that is worth your time. Do you want to spend your time running or do you want to actually mine pure essence?

The great rune essence mine.
Skill Requirements
  • 66 Magic
  • 30 Mining

Items Required

Quest Requirements

Time is of the essence. Unless you have a magic level of 66, mining pure essence would be a waste of time. Level 66 magic allows you access into the Magic Guild, which houses a wizard offering free teleports to the rune essence mine. Since the Magic Guild is closely located beside Yanille's bank, this would be the fastest method of mining pure essence.


  1. Purchase the required items.
  2. Go into the Magic Guild.
  3. Right click Wizard Distentor and select the teleport option.
  4. Mine an inventory full of pure essence.
  5. Walk on top of a portal to teleport back to the Magic Guild.
  6. Exit the Magic Guild.
  7. Go to the bank in Yanille.
  8. Deposit all your mined pure essence.
  9. Repeat steps 2-9 to continue mining pure essence.
  10. Sell all your collected pure essence, or keep them for future runecrafting uses.

Runecrafting may or may not be more profitable for the player, depending on your player's runecrafting level.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Gold Charm Dropper: Werewolf

Killing werewolves are a reliable source of gold charms.

Gold Charm Drop Rate of a Werewolf

If you kill 1000 werewolves, you will generally receive around 431 gold charms. This means that for each werewolf that you kill, you have around 43% chance of receiving a gold charm.

Where Werewolves are Located

Level 88 werewolves can be found in the werewolf town of Canifis. Level 93 werewolves can be found at the God Wars Dungeon. It is recommended to grind werewolves at Canifis due to its proximity to a bank, as well as the fact that they are somewhat weaker than their God Wars counterparts.

Fighting Werewolves

It is recommended for players with a combat level of 70+ to kill werewolves. Werewolves don't really have weaknesses other than the Wolfbane dagger.

For higher leveled players, simply bringing their general monster hunting equipment will be sufficient in killing werewolves. Simply attacking a villager of Canifis will cause them to transform into level 88 werewolves.

There are many safe-spots in Canifis for rangers and mages. Commonly used safe-spots include the tables in the buildings. A person can attack with bolts or spells accross tables and safely attack werewolves without fear of being hit back.

Lower leveled players may use the Wolfbane dagger to first weaken the human version of a werewolf (level 24) and switch to their primary weapon after. This would lower the werewolf's hitpoints upon transformation, although it regenerates half its half once transformed.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Ranging Zogres and Skogres for Runescape Gold

Spray down zombie and skeletal ogres and collect valuable zogre bones and ogre coffin keys.

Skill Requirements
  • 89+ Combat
  • 60+ Range

Items Required

Items Required Per Repeat

Items Recommended
  • Void range armor set

Quest Requirements

Make sure you stay in a safe spot at all times. If your target is too far from you, shoot it once and run back to your safe spot.


  1. Purchase the required items.
  2. Equip your comp ogre bow and your rune brutal arroows. Also equip any range armor (preferably void range armor for a range bonus) that you might have.
  3. Go to Jiggig.
  4. You should have a combat level of 89 or higher, so the zogres and skogres won't attack you. Run to a safe spot. Behind coffins or rocks work well. Zogres and skogres take up a two by two square area, so hiding in a narrow spot is safe as well.
  5. Use your rune brutal arrows and pick off zogres and skogres.
  6. Pick up your arrows, bones, and ogre coffin keys after each kill.
  7. Repeat this until you have an inventory full of zogre bones and ogre coffin keys.
  8. Use your ring of duelling to teleport to the Castle Wars Arena.
  9. Use the bank chest to deposit all your loot.
  10. Repeat steps 3-9 until your ring of duelling runs out of charges.
  11. Withdraw another ring of dueling and repeat or sell all your loot.

It is very likely to get diseased if a zogre or skogre manages to hit you. If you do, the fastest and cheapest way to cure yourself is by teleporting to the Duel Arena by using your ring of dueling and let a player quickly kill you. You can then return to fighting zogres and skogres.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Be a Runescape Bartender and Sell Greenman's Ale for Fast Cash

It's true one can slave over brewing their own beer, or they can go to their local bar and get drinks at a very low price. We all also know how much the Runescape market is in demand of drinks as well. Let's make Runescape a bit less sober with this fast money-making guide.

This is what happens when
one has had too much to drink.
Items Required Per Repeat
  • 280 Coins

The Dragon's Inn at Yanille sells high quality drinks for a very low price. Take advantage of this.


  1. Go to Yanille.
  2. Withdraw 280 coins at Yanille bank, which is located in eastern Yanille.
  3. Head to the Dragon's Inn at western Yanille.
  4. Talk to the bartender.
  5. Ask for greenman's ale. It will cost you 10 coins each.
  6. Repeatedly ask the bartender for greenman's ale until you have a full inventory of 28 greenman's ales.
  7. Go to Yanille's bank.
  8. Deposit all you greenman's ale.
  9. Repeat steps 2-9 until you're tired from beer running.
  10. Sell all the greenman's ale you bought off the bartender at Dragon's Inn.

You do not require any specific skill levels use this method. Enjoy making Runescape a more drunken and violent place.

Dickering Grey Wolf Furs in Varrock Square

In the world of money, the strong-minded have an advantage over the weak. Take take advantage of this by trying to peddle off wolf furs!

Items Required Per Repeat

Items Recommended
  • Ring of charos (a)

You'll likely find the Grand Exchange having a huge abundance of grey wolf furs. Take some off the market, and sell it for a much higher price to Baraek Brigson.


  1. Purchase the required items.
  2. Equip your ring of charos (a) if you have one. It will fetch you 30 more coins for each grey wolf fur you sell.
  3. Withdraw a full inventory of grey wolf furs.
  4. Go to Varrock Square where you'll find Baraek the fur trader.
  5. Talk to him.
  6. Ask if he would like to buy your grey wolf furs.
  7. Sell your inventory of grey wolf furs to him. He'll pay 120 coins for each grey wolf fur, or 150 coins each if you are wearing the ring of charos (a).
  8. Deposit your coins at Varrock's west bank.
  9. Repeat steps 3-9 until you've traded off all your merchandise.

With no skill requirements, the only thing you should be worried about is how much yapping your character can do!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Jogre Bones Wanted and Will Pay

Forget big bones. Jogre bones are way easier to get and attracts prettier pennies.

Skill Requirements
A jogre in its natural habitat.
  • 75+ Combat

Items Recommended

Quest Requirements

Big bones are always a hassle to collect. Jogre bones are way easier to get, and if you follow this guide correctly, they are very easy to bank.


  1. Equip yourself with your combat equipment.
  2. Bringing food and combat potions is not necessary, but recommended.
  3. Go to a gnome glider. An easy one to access is the gnome glider in Al Kharid.
  4. Fly over to the Tree Gnome Stronghold (Ta Quir Priw).
  5. From there, fly over to the shipyard (Gandius).
  6. Head west until you find a small group of jogres.
  7. Dispatch as many as you can, and pick up the jogre bones they leave behind.
  8. Return to the gnome glider.
  9. Fly back to the Tree Gnome Stronghold.
  10. Fly to Al Kharid.
  11. Use the bank there to deposit your loot and restock.
  12. Repeat steps 3-11 until you are satisfied of the loot you have collected.
  13. Sell all your jogre bones.

Not only is there very little competition, the jogres have very low defense, making them a weak and easy prey.

Making Camelot Teleport Tablets in Your Own Home

Make money by creating Camelot teleport tablets in your own home! With the trusty knowledge of your lectern and the speedy legs of your butler, cash will start pouring in.

Skill Requirements
  • 57 Construction
  • 45 Magic

Items Required

Items Required Per Repeat

Before using this guide, please make sure you have a study and teak eagle lectern or higher in your house. Please also make sure that you have already hired a butler. If you don't have either of these, please make it so you do before starting to make Camelot teleport tablets.


  1. Purchase the required items.
  2. Equip your staff of air.
  3. Withdraw 20 soft clay.
  4. Withdraw the rest of your soft clay noted.
  5. Withdraw all your nature runes.
  6. Withdraw all the money you need.
  7. Go to your house. A teleport to house is recommended here.
  8. Go to your lectern and make Camelot teleports until you have 4 soft clay in your inventory.
  9. Use your noted soft clay on your butler and tell him to unnote 20 soft clay.
  10. Return to your lectern and continue making Camelot teleport tablets until your butler returns.
  11. Repeat steps 8-10 and pay your butler when he asks for payment.
  12. Sell all your homemade Camelot teleport tablets.

It is true that making teleport tablets individually is faster, but it requires much more attention. If your eyes are always stuck on Runescape, clicking on the lectern, making one teleport tablet and repeat is much faster then the make all option.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Power Smithing Mithril Bars

Smithing bars in a furnace is so yesterday. Be hip and be hot by superheating your freshly mined mithril ore!

Skill Requirements
  • 15 Dungeoneering
  • 43 Magic
  • 55 Mining
  • 50 Smithing

Items Required

Items Required Per Repeat

What's better than mining your own ores and smithing them into your own bars? The feeling of making something yourself feels great, and it feels even better when there's a good monetary reward at then end too!


The marker indicates where
the resource dungeon is
located in the Dwarven Mines.
  1. Purchase the required items.
  2. Equip your staff of fire.
  3. Withdraw your pickaxe and all the nature runes you bought.
  4. Go to Falador.
  5. Just a bit east of the Falador Party Room is a small building with stairs leading to the Dwarven Mines. Descend the stairs.
  6. Walk west, and then slightly south. You will see a resource dungeon.
  7. Enter the resource dungeon.
  8. Mine 5 mithril ores.
  9. Walk east and mine 20 coal.
  10. Cast superheat item spells on all your mithril ore. This will produce mithril bars.
  11. Walk west and you'll see a bank deposit box.
  12. Deposit all your mithril bars.
  13. Repeat steps 8-12 until you have used all your nature runes.
  14. Sell all your superheated mithril bars.

Not only can you gain quite a bit of coins from repeating this method, it also gives a hefty amount of magic, mining, and smithing experience, which makes this money-making guide excellent for training skills as well.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Money vs. Time, Which is a More Valuable Resource?

It's one thing to make something from nothing, but it's another to make something with things you already have.

Time vs Money, Who is the Top Dog?

You see, there has always been a thought, where if you make nothing into something, you would be much more successful and able to produce money. However in modern times, this is rarely ever the case. One can plant a seed and wait for it to become a cabbage, or one can invest money on others so that they can grow cabbages for you.

In Runescape, and pretty much in any other video game, the same rule applies. You have or probably will hear a lot of people who make millions by picking flax and spinning them into bowstring. Why does this seem to work well? This is because by picking the flax themselves, they believe they will make more money since they didn't need to spend a single Runescape coin.

So Why isn't this the Best Way to Go?

Sure, you didn't spend anything and you made a decent amount of money off that. However, think about the amount of time you spent picking that flax. How long did it take to fill one inventory of flax? Say in one minute, you were able to pick a full inventory of flax. How much is that flax worth? Not only that, you still need to spin that flax into a bowstring.

Now say that instead of tediously harvest flax from the ground, you decide to take the more expensive way to about making bowstring. By buying the flax. Surely this must be less profitable since by converting flax that you have collected yourself into valuable bowstrings is much bags more money. This is true in raw form. Now add the time factor into buying the flax. By buying flax, you have effectively cut the time significantly by not picking flax. In the time that you have saved, you can spin much more bowstring than by using that time to pick and spin bowstring.

The Moral of the Story

Runescape is nothing more than a digital world in which we enjoy living in. However we have a real life out here in the real world, with an abundance of chores to do. Be it going to school or working at your day job, you truly do not have that much time to spend on Runescape. Therefore, it is important to use that little time to make your most out of your limited time on Runescape.

Three Part Enchanting Runescape Money Guide

From adamant bolts to rubies, and from rubies to magic. This guide will teach you how to earn money in Runescape by enchanting ruby bolts.

Skill Requirements
  • 63 Fletching
  • 49 Magic

Items Required

Items Required Per Repeat

This guide is a three part process, so pay attention and don't mess up!


  1. Purchase the required items.
  2. Withdraw your chisel.
  3. Withdraw as many rubies as you can carry.
  4. Use your chisel on a ruby.
  5. Cut all your rubies into ruby bolt tips.
  6. Repeat steps 3-5 until all rubies are cut.
  7. Withdraw all other required items.
  8. Use your ruby bolt tips on your adamant bolts to create ruby bolts.
  9. On your normal spellbook, enchant all your ruby bolts.
  10. Sell all your enchanted ruby bolts.

Enchanted ruby bolts are often used by players who are going big boss hunting (such as Kree'arra and Nex), since their enchanted effect allows them to possibly remove 20% of the opponents health at a small cost of 10% of the player's.

Making Easy Money From Compost Mounds

In the world of Runescape, manure, or as Runescapians call it, “compost” is highly sought after for its ability to farm and harvest valuable foods. This guide will teach how to “summon” compost at your will.

It's a moving pile of poop. Lovely.
Skill Requirements
  • 28 Summoning

Items Required Per Repeat

Items Recommended

Quest Requirements

Compost mounds are summoned creatures made of compost. With a bucket, you can harvest compost from your summoned familiar, at the cost of its health. You will inflict 20 damage every time you use a bucket, and you can receive 48 buckets of compost for each compost mound you summon. Before commencing this method, be sure that the price of purchasing a compost mound pouch and the necessary buckets will be compensated by the value of compost.


  1. Purchase the required items.
  2. Use the ring of duelling to teleport to the Castle Wars Arena.
  3. Summon your compost mound from your compost mound post.
  4. Withdraw a full inventory of buckets from the bank chest.
  5. Use all your buckets on the compost mound.
  6. Deposit your buckets filled with compost.
  7. Withdraw 20 buckets.
  8. Use your 20 buckets on the compost mound.
  9. Recharge your summoning points at the summoning obelisk outside of the Castle Wars Arena if necessary.
  10. Repeat steps 3-9 or sell all your collected compost.

Compost is highly sought by players who wish to train their farming skills, making the price of compost usually quite high, and therefore profitable.