
Friday, August 19, 2011

Power Smithing Mithril Bars

Smithing bars in a furnace is so yesterday. Be hip and be hot by superheating your freshly mined mithril ore!

Skill Requirements
  • 15 Dungeoneering
  • 43 Magic
  • 55 Mining
  • 50 Smithing

Items Required

Items Required Per Repeat

What's better than mining your own ores and smithing them into your own bars? The feeling of making something yourself feels great, and it feels even better when there's a good monetary reward at then end too!


The marker indicates where
the resource dungeon is
located in the Dwarven Mines.
  1. Purchase the required items.
  2. Equip your staff of fire.
  3. Withdraw your pickaxe and all the nature runes you bought.
  4. Go to Falador.
  5. Just a bit east of the Falador Party Room is a small building with stairs leading to the Dwarven Mines. Descend the stairs.
  6. Walk west, and then slightly south. You will see a resource dungeon.
  7. Enter the resource dungeon.
  8. Mine 5 mithril ores.
  9. Walk east and mine 20 coal.
  10. Cast superheat item spells on all your mithril ore. This will produce mithril bars.
  11. Walk west and you'll see a bank deposit box.
  12. Deposit all your mithril bars.
  13. Repeat steps 8-12 until you have used all your nature runes.
  14. Sell all your superheated mithril bars.

Not only can you gain quite a bit of coins from repeating this method, it also gives a hefty amount of magic, mining, and smithing experience, which makes this money-making guide excellent for training skills as well.

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