
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Jogre Bones Wanted and Will Pay

Forget big bones. Jogre bones are way easier to get and attracts prettier pennies.

Skill Requirements
A jogre in its natural habitat.
  • 75+ Combat

Items Recommended

Quest Requirements

Big bones are always a hassle to collect. Jogre bones are way easier to get, and if you follow this guide correctly, they are very easy to bank.


  1. Equip yourself with your combat equipment.
  2. Bringing food and combat potions is not necessary, but recommended.
  3. Go to a gnome glider. An easy one to access is the gnome glider in Al Kharid.
  4. Fly over to the Tree Gnome Stronghold (Ta Quir Priw).
  5. From there, fly over to the shipyard (Gandius).
  6. Head west until you find a small group of jogres.
  7. Dispatch as many as you can, and pick up the jogre bones they leave behind.
  8. Return to the gnome glider.
  9. Fly back to the Tree Gnome Stronghold.
  10. Fly to Al Kharid.
  11. Use the bank there to deposit your loot and restock.
  12. Repeat steps 3-11 until you are satisfied of the loot you have collected.
  13. Sell all your jogre bones.

Not only is there very little competition, the jogres have very low defense, making them a weak and easy prey.

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