In the world of money, the strong-minded have an advantage over the weak. Take take advantage of this by trying to peddle off wolf furs!

Items Recommended
- Ring of charos (a)
You'll likely find the Grand Exchange having a huge abundance of grey wolf furs. Take some off the market, and sell it for a much higher price to Baraek Brigson.
- Purchase the required items.
- Equip your ring of charos (a) if you have one. It will fetch you 30 more coins for each grey wolf fur you sell.
- Withdraw a full inventory of grey wolf furs.
- Go to Varrock Square where you'll find Baraek the fur trader.
- Talk to him.
- Ask if he would like to buy your grey wolf furs.
- Sell your inventory of grey wolf furs to him. He'll pay 120 coins for each grey wolf fur, or 150 coins each if you are wearing the ring of charos (a).
- Deposit your coins at Varrock's west bank.
- Repeat steps 3-9 until you've traded off all your merchandise.
With no skill requirements, the only thing you should be worried about is how much yapping your character can do!
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